
Creations For A Cause ...

I'm a mom that started making little blankies as a hobby after my little one loved his so much. I've decided to take it a step further and make these unique gifts for others to enjoy as well.
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to a Cleft Charity. Please follow my other site to learn more and see why these charities are dear to my heart.

Please email me with any questions or order requests to

I can ship items, if needed, at an additional cost and will also try to accomodate special requests.

Amy Burditt

Headbands and Hats
Headband: $6
Hat: $10
Extra Flower: $2

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Perfect for infants and toddlers! The flowers are handmade and are available in all different sizes and colors. The flower is also bounded to a hairclip. Therefore, it can be used without the hat or headband as the little girl grows!